
Liron Shany – Purity and Defilement

We often feel very unclean and as a result keep ourselves far from people lest we “infect” them or lest they discover how unclean we are. We often do the same with God. Yeshua offers with a revolutionary solution to this problem.

Lev. 13: 44-46, Numbers 5: 1-4, Hag. 2:11-13, Lev. 15: 25-28, Numbers 19:11-16, Luke 5: 12-14, Luke 8: 43-55, Hebrews 9:11-14

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We are an Israeli congregation of people who believe in Yeshua

We meet regularly to pray and study Scripture in Karmiel on Saturday at 10:30. Everyone is welcome to visit. Stay up to date on calendar meetings – from time to time we meet on a Friday or Saturday evening instead of our regular meeting.